- Paperback: 272 pages
- Publisher: Tyndale Momentum (January 26, 2016)
- Language: English
- ISBN-10: 1496405293
- ISBN-13: 978-1496405296
“But everyone else has it.” “If you loved me, you’d get it for me!” When you hear these comments from your kids, it can be tough not to cave. You love your children--don’t you want them to be happy and to fit in?
Kristen Welch knows firsthand it’s not that easy. In fact, she’s found out that when you say yes too often, it’s not only hard on your peace of mind and your wallet--it actually puts your kids at long-term risk. In Raising Grateful Kids in an Entitled World, Kristen shares the ups and downs in her own family’s journey of discovering why it’s healthiest not to give their kids everything. Teaching them the difference between “want” and “need” is the first step in the right direction. With many practical tips and anecdotes, she shares how to say the ultimate yes as a family by bringing up faith-filled kids who will love God, serve others, and grow into hardworking, fulfilled, and successful adults.
It’s never too late to raise grateful kids. Get ready to cultivate a spirit of genuine appreciation and create a Jesus-centered home in which your kids don’t just say--but mean!--“thank you” for everything they have.
My Thoughts:
Excellent writing from an experienced point of view. I greatly respect Kristen. She walks what she talks, and she shares with humble honesty. Her style is very appealing and easy to read, and her thoughts and ideas are in line with God's Word. Kristen is a woman with a heart for the Kingdom and a mom who really loves her children. Her book holds timely teaching that will make the case for instilling genuine grateful living in an over indulging society. Wish this book could be given to every new parent before they leave the delivery room!
It's difficult for today's parent to say no and mean it. Everyone has the latest gadget, and 1st grade students have cell phones. We want our children to fit in, but at what cost? Kristen takes the guess work out of having versus not having, and she makes a solid case that something has to change.
Saying no isn't easy, but it feels better than a cell phone bill of over $1,000 or having your child grow into someone you love...but don't like very much. Regardless of how old your children are, it isn't too late to change the tide from entitled to grateful. My thanks to my friends at Tyndale Publishing for my complimentary copy via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.
Highly recommended.
Happy Reading!

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