Monday, November 28, 2016

Double Header by Clarice G. James

  • File Size: 912 KB
  • Print Length: 314 pages
  • Page Numbers Source ISBN: 1941291244
  • Simultaneous Device Usage: Unlimited
  • Publisher: Mountainview Books, LLC (November 20, 2015)
  • Publication Date: November 20, 2015

About the Book:

Casey Gallagher has it all together—a lucrative marketing career in Boston, a happy marriage, and a successful sports column she writes with her younger brother Griffin. She’s got a plan to save for a dream home in the suburbs and then have kids, even though her cop husband Sam doesn’t see the need to wait. 

The memory of her father still looms large four years after his passing. He was the cop who let her shine his boots, and she’s idolized him since she was a little girl. Even Sam can’t live up to his legacy. Then Casey receives a letter that bursts her balloon. Could her father not have been all she believed he was, and if so, how can her mother, who recently remarried and found a new faith, so easily forgive her former husband? Even the Red Sox rookies Casey and Griffin have recently befriended seem to have an inner peace that puzzles her. 

As Casey attempts to fit the changes life throws at her into her idealistic plan, she is challenged by the dialogue running in her head. Is it her conscience, her imagination, or the voice of the God she’s not sure she believes in?

My Thoughts:

This novel was a very pleasant surprise!  Clarice G. James has crafted a story that is more than just a tale about baseball.  It's about a family with secrets and faith and how both really cannot coexist if you want a solid relationship with Jesus.  Believe me, that was a huge undertaking, but Miss Clarice hit it out of the park (sorry, but I had to go there!).

Casey was so easy to identify with.  Like Casey, I had a plan for my future and it was a good one.  Also like Casey, I informed God of my plans and asked that He sign off on them.  She kept trying to steal home, but God needed her to round every base in His timing.  As for me, God didn't give me the life I'd planned.  Instead, out of His great love for me (and for Casey, even though I'm real and she isn't--I think!), He winked at my plans and gave me something far greater instead.

I absolutely adored Griffin!  He was the ideal foil to Casey's doubts and concerns, and he was able to speak truth into her life even as he worked out his own relationships.  If only men like Griffin existed in real life (I actually believe they do!).  He's quite the catch (yes, I went there yet again!).

I loved my time with "Double Header" and I'm eager to see what Miss Clarice comes up with next!  I'm giving this one my "Oh, The Feels" award, and encouraging you to get your copy today!  Until next time,

Mark Your Place (I was tempted to say "Batter Up!"),




Just One More Published @ 2014 by Ipietoon