Friday, September 16, 2016

Accelerant (Book 2, Abiassa's Fire) by Ronie Kendig

  • Paperback: 439 pages
  • Publisher: Gilead Publishing (October 14, 2016)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 1683700481
  • ISBN-13: 978-1683700487

About the Book;

He'll destroy the world. But first he has to save it.

The Nine Kingdoms bleed. Leaderless, ravaged, the land awaits deliverance from Poired Dyrth's devastating campaign. But what if one blight can only be cleansed by another?

The promised Fierian is known by many names. Judge. Destroyer. Scourge. And now one other: Haegan, Prince of Seultrie. Once a cripple, now a gifted Accelerant, Haegan can no longer run from the truth. But neither can he be reconciled to it. He knows only one thing for certain: as the only able-bodied heir to the Fire Throne, he must return to the Nine and fight for his people.

But there are insidious forces at work. When reality itself falls into question, Haegan struggles to know where to fight, whom to trust. Caught between duty to his country and duty to the world, Haegan must see clearly enough to choose the right path to save the world.

My Thoughts:

Buckle up, my reader!  I'm about to do it again...but you'll be glad I did.

Ronie Kendig has made a mark on the fiction world with her authentic military fiction.  In fact, her tagline is "Rapid-Fire Fiction".  I'm a huge fan, and I'm always on the lookout for a new book from Ronie.  Now she has embarked on a journey with YA high fantasy fiction and with her first book I thought she had outdone herself.

However, with "Accelerant", Ronie has turned the genre on its head.  The story is unique, the ideas are fresh, and the characters are engaging.  Most important, you can feel Ronie's passion on each and every page.  The scenery is rich and lush, the dialogue is snappy and crisp, and the purpose is clear and filled to the brim with allegory and faith.

This is the book series Ronie was born to create.  I actually have 'first time reader' envy, jealous of the fact that you all have something to look forward to reading that is so great, so epic, so mind-blowing...I have chills.  So put "Accelerant" on your wish list (better yet, pre-order).  Get a copy of "Embers" now, and dive in with Haegan and company to save the Nine Kingdoms.

My thanks to Ronie for an advance copy of "Accelerant" in exchange for an honest review.  "Accelerant" releases in October...plenty of time to enjoy "Embers"!  Plenty of time to discover how Kaelyria Celahar was able to pass the mantle to her brother Haegan...and that's all I'm going to leak!  "Accelerant" and "Embers" both are 'One For The Ages', people.
So don't miss out.  While we eagerly wait for the third book (eagerly and impatiently),

Mark Your Place,




Just One More Published @ 2014 by Ipietoon