Monday, August 22, 2016

Welcome To My New Home!


Some of you may remember me from "A Peek At My Bookshelf", and many of you may be meeting me for the first time.  So, a brief introduction...

My mom was my best friend and my reading buddy.  I would find delicious reading material and share with her, and then we would discuss the books we read.  We had very similar tastes, and it was just one more way we connected as friends.

In 2006, at the age of 78, Mom was promoted home and now reads in Heaven's library.  In those early months I found reading difficult...especially if I was reading an author we both loved.

Eventually, the grief began to ebb, and I realized I had no one to talk books with.  My husband and my children were readers, but we didn't read in the same circles, so to speak.

When my husband and pastor decided to start blogging, I was curious.  I did some research and realized I could share about my reading and bookish adventures through blogging!  Thus, "A Peek At My Bookshelf" was born.

That was early 2007, and it's been a wild adventure!  I've met some amazing reading friends, and connected with authors in ways I'd only dreamed of previously.  As I approached my ten year bloggoversary I began to feel...blah.  A bit stale.  And I lost my reading mojo...

...then it hit me.  Maybe it was time for a fresh start.  After all, I still adore books, words, and those that craft amazing stories.  Again, I did some research, found a new purpose, and I welcome you to my new home...

"Just One More"--one more book, one more chapter, one more page, one more discussion.  Hopefully you will enjoy your time spent here.  I'd love to hear from you, so leave me lots of comments!  All I ask is that you be respectful of yourself and others.

That's it for now.  I'll be sharing my philosophy of reading and reviewing and sharing my new rating system--I think you'll like it!

Until then,

Mark your place.




Just One More Published @ 2014 by Ipietoon